Beta and development releases
NOTES: 1) INSTALLATION: -you need a jdk (e.g. 1.3.x or 1.4.x from jre is not enough. -download openmdvp.jar from -put the file that you downloaded into an EMPTY directory. The name of the directory does not matter. -with Windows, you can try out the double click jar method, but I recommend that whatever operating system you have, open a shell window (, cmd.exe, sh..) and type "java -jar openmdvp.jar" (or javaw -jar openmdvp.jar with Windows) -8080 is a "good" port unless you have something there already -the system will start after some time. With Windows, you'll know it is running once you have some shell windows popping up. 2) TROUBLESHOOTING -run java -jar openmdvp.jar -n to get a non-graphical installation program -with Windows, if you get "Out of environment space" messages, please check:;EN-US;Q230205& -if you can't access http://localhost:8080, make sure your browser does not want to use a http proxy for localhost 2) USING THE SYSTEM -Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/mdv, you'll find some manuals there;Latest changes:
Tested the latest beta on Linux, Win95, Win2000, fixed some bugs in the installation script. More documentation, a jdk 1.4 specific install jar removed.Known bugs:
-Some browsers (Konqueror, Opera) need a refresh when returning to main window. Opera's file upload does not work. -If a document type (say, A) has a binary or jpg field AND the user creates a document of that type (say, a) AND does not upload a file there, MDV still "shows" document a as if it contained a file. -Search functions are quite limited. -Uploading huge jpegs can crash the system (runs out of memory). -With some Windows environments, the database connection crashes sometimes. This causes a very long error message to appear on your browser window.